hotel Ashirwad Pleasant Stays
Hotel Overview - nestled in the lush green coffee plantations situated at Krishnagiri, a small village between 2 towns-- Sulthan\'s Bathery and Meenangadi-- assures it\'s guests the best great holiday comforts in the region without puncturing their wallet. Our hospitality makes sure you rest in nature\'s laps during your stay here. Seasons change, people come and people go, but our hosplitality remain the same. Welcome here to relax, rejuvenate, rejoice, romance and rediscover the child, adoloscent and the \"Oh-so-charming!\" adult in you all over once again!
Aashirvad\'s Pleasant Stays offers The cozy well appointed cottages landscaped to blend with the nature around, here at Aashirvad\'s. It will make you feel at home away from your home.