Club Mahindra Lake View Hotel

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With a view that inspires artists, it is no wonder that many visit Munnar. Home to a picturesque lake, splendid tea gardens, reviving safaris, as well as giant chess games, Putt-Putt golf and so much more. The Indo-British inspired resort gives guests the most delectable of vacations.

Heading into the hilly regions of Munnar from the scorching plains can come as a pleasant shock to the system. Rolling hillsides interspersed with carpets of emerald green tea plantations and breathtaking scenery makes for a picture postcard setting. The area comprises a range of hills varying in height from 4900 ft to 8800 ft making is among one of the most beautiful and ideal destinations during summer months.

See more at: http://www.clubmahindra.com/our-resorts/club-mahindra-munnar/#sthash.xe0XgObp.dpuf

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